(Regarding the denotation and categorization of Anomalous Entities.)
-Caution is not needed when interacting with this Anomalous Entity.
#This Anomalous Entity can be considered “harmless”.
-Caution is needed when interacting with this Anomalous Entity. Total safety is not assured even if caution is taken.
#This Anomalous Entity can be provoked into becoming a threat.
-Extremely threatening at nearly all times. If possible, avoid all interaction with this Anomalous Entity.
#Capture and testing of this AE may be impossible without severe consequences.
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(Regarding more specific denotation of AEs.)
-Causes effects that help humans in some sort of way, or relieve them from dangers to their being.
#Example : ♡ GRACEFUL INNOCUITE - AE-003, which can play music that can cure human injuries and mental illnesses.
-Lacking physical form. A spirit or something of the sort.
#Example : 🜄 AMORPHOUS CAUTELA - AE-■■■, a spirit that causes trauma inducing nightmares upon nearby humans if disturbed.
-Incomprehensible to the human mind, or behaviors too entropic to classify.
#Example : {CLASSIFIED}
-A extremely dangerous sporadic Anomalous Entity. Threatening to human life/cognition/spirit if humans attempt to perceive it in any form.
#Example : {CLASSIFIED}